32One Media Blog

5 Tips for Getting Your Team Onboard with HubSpot Marketing

Written by Patrick Wyllie | Oct 28, 2022 1:00:00 PM

As HubSpot’s marketing software continues to grow in popularity, it’s no surprise that more and more companies are choosing to implement its features into their everyday operations. However, getting started with HubSpot can be difficult — especially if your team is used to working with different tools and programs on a regular basis. If you want your team to get on board with HubSpot faster and learn how to use it in a way that works well with your specific needs, make sure you consider these five tips before you start onboarding them on the new software.


1) Host an Employee HubSpot Onboarding Session

So the goal here is to emphasize the benefits of using HubSpot. Allow your team members to ask questions about the system, set expectations, and empower your team by providing actionable steps to get started. It also helps if you assign a team member as your native HubSpot ambassador who spearheads everything HubSpot for your company. If they need support or help, they can turn to that person. But remember: You have to make sure that this person has plenty of training before he or she starts leading the charge on Hubspot. If you want to really see people take ownership of their accounts, just give them access! They’ll feel more vested in their account, which will likely mean more engagement with it and eventually more success. And don’t forget to introduce them as an expert in the field – they’ll feel good knowing they’re doing something right! First impressions are important; when someone signs up, make sure they know exactly what they should be working on. Let's say they signed up for webinars- we'll want to let them know where those are located within HubSpot so that nothing falls through the cracks (and also so our webinars don't get too crowded!). Make sure you tell new users what software does what and how each piece fits into the puzzle.


2) Have Your Team Start Their Day with HubSpot

Encourage your team to begin their day with a short training session. The HubSpot Academy has hours and hours of training videos. They're super helpful. And if your team can dedicate 10 minutes each morning to chip away at these training videos. Over time, you'll have a whole team of HubSpot experts working at your company. You might even find that some of them will come up with new ways to get the most out of HubSpot.

The best part about this? It doesn't cost any money or time on your end because they're all self-guided courses. Plus, it's not just limited to marketing and salespeople; there are tons of courses on how the non-marketing folks can use HubSpot in the office too! So what are you waiting for? Head over to the HubSpot Academy now.


3) Host HubSpot Professional Development Days

So one approach we're doing here at 32One is to close up shop for regular client work one to two days a month to focus on HubSpot training. Pro-tip, if you want to get some engagement here helps if you provide your employees with some food and drink these days to help those training days go by a little quicker. We've also found that it's helpful to create and share a calendar of events so the team can see when training will be happening. And lastly, we've found that having some goals in mind before diving into the material is helpful so people have an idea of what they are going to be looking for once they have completed the program. One thing we like to do is set some metrics or KPIs around how our marketing efforts compare against other companies in our industry as well as how they compare against ourselves.


4) Host a Friendly HubSpot Competition

Create a challenge to see who logs in the most and is using HubSpot most consistently. For another challenge, you can see who can rack up the most HubSpot certifications within a certain time period. Reward the winners in your company with paid lunches or better yet, give them an extra vacation day.

Start working on Inbound education as early as possible: If this blog post has convinced you that implementing HubSpot is worthwhile, then start educating yourself and your team now. There are a lot of great resources out there that cover this topic.
Talk about why it's important: What are the benefits? How will it help grow our business? Is it worth all the work? Make sure to highlight how much of a difference it will make for everyone involved! Educate people on their roles and responsibilities in the process so they feel invested in the results. Lastly, find ways to get people excited about what they're doing by highlighting some features of HubSpot that are unique to other marketing tools.

5) Consider Using a HubSpot Partner Agency

If you want to get the most out of your investment in HubSpot, it may help to hire a HubSpot partner agency like 32One Media to assist with onboarding, technical setup, and implementation. We know new technology can be intimidating, but we are here to answer any questions or concerns you might have every step of the way! Give us a call today to learn more about our HubSpot Partner Agency services, or schedule an online consultation with one of our team members. We will provide a detailed overview of how our partnership works and what value we can add to your business!
When you work with a HubSpot Partner Agency like ours, you’ll not only receive personalized attention from experts who understand marketing best practices from both inside and outside the industry but also enjoy peace of mind knowing that they are up-to-date on all current software updates. Moreover, if you're considering investing in additional HubSpot features (such as integrations), then hiring a Partner Agency is the best option because of their expertise and access to discounted pricing. You'll save yourself time and money by turning to a professional in this space who can handle all aspects of installation, configuration, and training - so you don't have to!
We'll gladly share our knowledge and experience working with HubSpot and creating winning campaigns so that your team has no reason not to feel confident about moving forward with these types of projects. Reach out today for more information on the many benefits of partnering with a HubSpot Partner Agency.