32One Media Blog

Skydiving for a Cause with Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce

Written by Ben Barber | Jun 3, 2024 6:33:51 PM

The Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce soared to new heights this past weekend with their skydiving fundraiser, which brought in just shy of $20,000 for their much-needed building expansion project. The exhilarating event, held at Skydive Newport, featured a daring group of local business owners and adventure seekers who took the plunge for a good cause.

Chamber President Lisa Konicki led the charge, joined by a spirited group that included Carly Callahan, the Executive Director of Westerly’s United Theatre, who jumped for her fundraising partner Nicholas Moore. Also among the brave participants were Corrie Edgerley of Fuel Good Nutrition, Grace Lund from the Chamber, and Ed Morrone, former Town Council President, who jumped on behalf of his fundraising partner Maria Pucci.

Town Councilors Robert Lombardo and Joy Cordio added a touch of civic pride to the event, while Dale Sowle, owner of Shoreline Painting, and Beth Frenette from Washington Trust showcased their adventurous spirits. Bruce Marrow of Valenti Subaru and his wife Jean also participated, underscoring the community-wide support for the Chamber’s goals.

Local business owners such as Joe Miceli of Miceli’s Furniture, Ed Smith of Chariho Furniture, and Mike Wade of Watch Hill Outfitters demonstrated their commitment to the community by taking part in the skydiving challenge. Katie Sherman, owner of Sunnyside Up, Matt Spring of Stifel in Mystic, and Mark Lacz of Casa Della Luce & TyMark Restaurant Group were also among the jumpers, along with Kelley McShane, owner of Granny Squibb’s Organic Iced Tea, and retired Connecticut State Trooper Tom Fabian.

The fundraiser not only highlighted the adventurous spirit of the Ocean Community but also underscored the strong bonds among local businesses and community leaders. Each participant's leap of faith contributed significantly to the success of the event, which will help fund the Chamber’s expansion project, ensuring it can continue to support local businesses and foster community growth.

The atmosphere at Skydive Newport was electric, with participants and supporters alike cheering on the skydivers as they took to the skies. The event provided a unique opportunity for community members to come together, share in the excitement, and support a worthy cause.

Lisa Konicki expressed her gratitude, stating, “This fundraiser exceeded our expectations. It’s a testament to the incredible community we have here. The support from local business owners and residents alike is truly heartwarming.”

The success of this skydiving fundraiser is a clear indication of the Ocean Community’s dedication to supporting one another and driving progress. The funds raised will be instrumental in the Chamber’s building expansion project, to help acquire desperately needed space for storage of sculptures and equipment for their many free community events. Sustaining these traditions is important because they have a huge positive impact on the local economy while also giving Westerly residents wonderful traditions to enjoy. 

As the Chamber looks to the future, events like these highlight the importance of community involvement and the impact of collective effort. For more information about upcoming Chamber events and how you can get involved, visit OceanChamber.org.

This skydiving fundraiser will be remembered not just for the thrill and excitement it brought to participants, but for the substantial support it garnered for the Chamber’s ongoing mission to enhance and expand the local business environment.