westerly chariho News

2024 Westerly Library Gold Leaf Recipients

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We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mary Jo and Victor Orsinger, the distinguished recipients of the 2024 Gold Leaf Award from Westerly Library & Wilcox Park. Announced by Stacey Jackson, the director of development at the library, this prestigious award honors individuals who have shown exceptional dedication and service to both the library and the park.

The Gold Leaf Award, established by the Memorial and Library Association in 2001, is the highest honor given by the library and park, recognizing those who have made significant and lasting contributions. Mary Jo and Victor Orsinger have exemplified this spirit of service through their years of commitment and leadership.

Both Mary Jo and Victor have served as President of the Board of Trustees, where they played pivotal roles in guiding the organization through major renovation projects that have greatly enhanced the library and park. Their vision and leadership ensured that these beloved community spaces continue to thrive, offering a welcoming environment for all who visit.

Even after their terms as board presidents, Mary Jo and Victor have remained actively involved in supporting the library and park. Their ongoing contributions, whether through time, resources, or expertise, have left an indelible mark on the community. Their dedication to preserving the historical and cultural significance of these spaces has been invaluable, and their efforts will continue to benefit future generations.

The Gold Leaf Award serves as a testament to Mary Jo and Victor's unwavering support and commitment. The entire community looks forward to the official award ceremony, where their achievements will be celebrated and their contributions formally recognized. 

We are proud to join the Westerly Library & Wilcox Park in honoring Mary Jo and Victor Orsinger for their outstanding service. Their legacy of dedication will continue to inspire others in the community for years to come.

Ben Barber

Ben Barber

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